Ufficiale, De Zerbi ha risolto il contratto con lo Shakhtar

(Photo by OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images)
Era nell’aria da diverso tempo, ma ora è diventato ufficiale: Roberto De Zerbi non è più l’allenatore dello Shakhtar Donetsk. La decisione è arrivata, ovviamente, in seguito alle spiacevoli vicende legate al conflitto russo/ucraino, che hanno letteralmente bloccato il calcio di quella terra. L’ex allenatore del Sassuolo ovviamente non vuole fermarsi, e dopo mesi d’attesa, nella speranza che il tutto potesse riprendere, ha scelto di risolvere il contratto con la società ucraina. Ecco il comunicato del club sulla risoluzione.
Роберто Де Дзербі залишає «Шахтар» ⚒
Подробиці: https://t.co/9pn1Kuk1rp.
ФК «Шахтар» дякує Роберто Де Дзербі та його тренерському штабу за виконану роботу, професіоналізм і досягнення команди. Бажаємо успіхів у подальшій кар’єрі, нових перемог і великих звершень!#Shakhtar pic.twitter.com/oks2sxTInO
— ⚒FC SHAKHTAR DONETSK (@FCShakhtar) July 11, 2022
Shakhtar, ufficiale l’addio di De Zerbi: il comunicato
“Shakhtar and head coach Roberto De Zerbi took a mutual decision to end up their collaboration. Together with the manager, the Italian coaching staff are leaving the club: Davide Possanzini, Vincenzo Teresa, Marcattillio Marcattilii, Agostino Tibaudi, Michele Cavalli, Giorgio Bianchi, Paolo Bianco.”
“Roberto De Zerbi has been in charge of Shakhtar since May 25, 2021, becoming the 34th head coach in the club’s history. Together with the Italian specialist, the outfit played only 30 competitive matches, in which they secured 20 wins, alongside 5 draws and 5 defeats (aggregate goal difference of 64-26).
With De Zerbi, the Miners made it through qualifying phase to the UCL group stage; and in September, after beating Dynamo 3-0, they raised the Ukrainian Super Cup, the first and only trophy of the season. At the time of the Ukrainian league suspension, Shakhtar boasted a run of 8 straight wins, topping the Premier League table (47 points) and continuing to compete for the Ukrainian Cup. After the start of the war in Ukraine, Roberto showed solidarity with the club and the Ukrainian people by conducting a series of Shakhtar Global Tour for Peace charity games with the team.
FC Shakhtar thanks Roberto De Zerbi and his coaching staff for the work done, their professionalism and achievements of the team. We wish them every success in their further career, as well as new victories and major achievements!”